Next Edition of Sequoia Grove Journal

A woman, alone in a corner of New York City, America, seeks refuge in her neighborhood park. There, in the crevices of the trees, the gaze of the wild creatures, she experiences the wonder; of being held in love.

A man, from his apartment in Chennai, India, watches the unusually strong monsoon flood his home city. His own building had long ago self-organized to address floods. It has become the new normal: in November, the monsoons are higher and harder than "normal;" people are evacuated; homes and livelihoods are lost. This year, near him, a newer apartment building, not so far away, collapsed. Later, the resisdents learned that it was built on top of an old river. In the midst of the "disaster", the river came back to life, reclaiming its own path.

A Wind, howling, uproots trees that fall upon powerlines, and thousands of homes lose their beeping electronics, their heat, their light. Old spirits awaken in the darkness: an older person hears a song she had almost forgotten, and she smiles into the clear night sky.

Eco-Eroticism and Chronic Disasters.

That is our main theme for our upcoming journal. We've shifted the release date from Winter Solstice to Imbolc (Feb 1), which seems entirely appropriate for this Journal. After all, Imbolc is when the seed in the ground shifts, and points towards new beginnings. All submissions need to be in by Jan 20.

We invite you to submit: art, poetry, prose, non-fiction, photography, music, conversations.