Sequoia Grove Journal is a multi-media collection

of tender courage and

fierce beauty…

This inaugural collection is entirely created by the Sequoia Samanvaya community: those who have taken the courses and spaces offered by Sequoia Samanvaya. Launching on the Winter Solstice (December 21, 2020) - after a year of pandemonium and pandemic - we reflect on darkness, ancestors, the magic of fire-tending, decolonization, roots and trees, community, and dreams. The theme, Gathering Fire, Summoning Wolves, invites us to conjure and Re-Member these truths…and ourselves.

The voices of our community are international, interspirtual, and intersectional. Many of the stories, songs, poems, and prayers featured have come out of participating in the courses, offerings, and gatherings led by Sara Jolena Wolcott - our community’s founder and primary teacher. 

To ReEnchant Our World

Valerie Bernard, 2020

Valerie Bernard, 2020




and Chronic Disasters

Issue 2 expected release: Spring Equinox 2021!